Opting for professional drug testing of your employees is now a priority for most businesses in the United States. The destructive nature of drug use or dependency and alcohol abuse calls for the employee drug screening services of DrugTesting.com. Our goal is to help determine and deter individuals who could jeopardize the workplace and negatively impact your business.

For more than 10 years, DrugTesting.com has implemented cost-efficient and professional drug testing for employees in the workplace. Our clients range from small businesses to big corporations, giving them the same reliable and trusted results using state-of-the-art and legally-approved drug testing kits and tools.
Workplace drug testing usually includes the primary five of Marijuana, Amphetamines, Cocaine, Opioids, PCP, and possible Alcohol screening. Standard screening has been federally regulated and the technicians performing them have had to undergo specialized training.
We offer an extensive range of drug testing options and can customize your drug screening program. As opposed to numerous employee drug testing companies doing the work for you, DrugTesting.com is your option for a single provider that helps you meet all your needs while providing convenience.
Our Employee Drug Testing services include:

is the neutral-selection of a group of employees or all workers in a company that are required to take the drug test. This may reduce the use of drug abuse by employees because of the threat of random screening.

is part of the application process prior to a job offer, and typically part of the hiring process and condition of employment.

is used to detect drug use within the previous 72 hours. This drug test is performed at all laboratories certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

is used to collect a saliva sample and determine the presence of drug substances
in it. Results are often provided in minutes.
DrugTesting.com provides the drug results to our client, the employer. However, because drug test results are perceived as personal health information, restrictions apply to the release or distribution of these types of data. Employees undergoing the drug test are generally asked to sign a release prior to the test. DrugTesting.com will help you comply with these types of requirements.
Get in touch with us!
Call us today: 321.725.0009 or 888.222.7011
Email us at: info@drugtesting.com